Friday, March 21, 2014

My Bedtime Essentials

 BIG OLE JUG OF WATER! I'm chronically, at night I fill up a big jug or cup of ice water bedfore bed
 Lip butter is a must for me!!!! I like to go to bed with some lip softening product on my lips. The Bag balm works great but I have been enjoying the Nivea lip butter recently. I also pop in a melatonin tablet at night to help me fall asleep and sleep better. I notice a difference when I don't take one so I keep either tablets or liquid melatonin on hand.

Another step I take in prepping for a good night's sleep is spraying down my pillows and comforter with a little pillow mist. The B&BW "sleep" spray in their aromatherapy line is a great one! It's easy to find and affordable. =)

The last couple things I have by my bed are bag balm, a sleep mask, and the sleep bot app. I like bag balm for when my hands or feet are dry especially but also like to put it around my cuticles at night. The sleep mask is cover my eyes. The sleep bot app or any similar sleeping app is a fun way to sort of keep track of your sleeping!! I am a total "I NEED 8 1/2 HOURS OF SLEEP" person and I like to track my sleep so at the end of the week I can see m average amount of sleep per night.

What are your nighttime essentials?